Thursday, June 17, 2010

Memorial Day 2010

We spent some time today at Murray Park and had some lunch. It was a pretty windy day
as you can tell from the hair flying all over the place. we got to visit together some and
even played a game of UNO which Katie has learned to play, really well in fact!! Then we
walked over to the river and saw the ducks. There was even 2 mammas and pappas with
their ducklings, It was so cute. Katie and Sharon played in the water a little cause it was
too cold. Jordan was playing with them and teasing them about throwing them in the
water. Katie proceeded to get in the wet sand and then tried to give everyone HUGS
after. Then she decided to get in the REAL MUD and really wanted to share with us all.
Kyle was cold and hungry so didn't get any pics of him today but he's still a handsome
Then we went over to the cemetery and put some flowers on Mom & Grandma's headstone.
The flowers were really pretty and the pinwheels made it look really nice. It was nice to be
there together to remember mom and all she did for us and all she taught us. I miss her
so but know that I will see her again and that she is very happy in Heaven and that she is
watching over us and loves us so much. We should always remember those who have
gone before and remember what they have done for us, How blessed we are to live in this
country and to have the freedoms we enjoy. Let us always try to keep them and not let
them be taken from us by wrong choices. Always remember who we are and where we
came from!!

1 comment:

Dan and Melissa said...

love these thanks for posting them!